Oh my gosh! We just found out our studio made the cover of this Sunday's Chicago Tribune Magazine! Many thanks to the Tribune team for putting our modest space on the front of their Spring 2012 issue and on their reader's radar! The article, written by Wendy Donahue, couldn't be more perfect and Bill Hogan's photography and Anne Dawson's impeccable styling work are gorgeous.  We are truly blown away.




Thought it might be fun to share some photos we took the day of the shoot.  The photographer, Bill Hogan and stylist, Anne Dawson, were an awesome team to watch in action. Both are skilled professionals who work easily and successfully together - their creative decisions and artistry made for a fluent, relaxed and confident shooting environment. It was a pleasure to have them in our space and an honor to have them photograph our work.

Anne and Bill working out the composition for the kitchen shoot.


Anne & Bill reviewing their work in our front office - choosing the "keepers" and looking for the next shot.